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Rustic Elegance: 6 Hardy but Haute Projects

高端科德角客宅和派对谷仓由BPC Architecture设计

In the hands of premier builders, architectural designers and landscape professionals, 坚固的设计元素呈现出高度的复杂性....

Mudroom with a tack-room feel...


Builder: Merz Construction; architecture: Dewing Schmid Kearns Architects + Planners; photo by Peter Vanderwarker.

这间宽敞的储藏室是卡莱尔(Carlisle)一座农舍的增建部分 Merz Construction abuts an existing antique barn. Rich yet utilitarian, the space certainly doesn’t come off as new construction; its salvaged barn board, 石板地板和活边木长凳无缝地集成在这座拥有200年历史的住宅的建筑中. Offers the firm, “住宅的每个方面都相互连接,以展示房产的美丽和完整性." 

Meandering stone path…

由Gregory Lombardi设计的乡村高端景观设计

Landscape architecture: Gregory Lombardi Design; landscape construction: R.P. Marzilli & Co., Inc.; photo by Susan Teare.

由回收的新英格兰田野石和戈申石组成, and flanked by natural fieldstone walls, this resplendent walkway, designed by Gregory Lombardi Design and constructed by R.P. Marzilli & Co. Inc.从主要住宅到次要住宅和娱乐建筑的平缓下降. 它的植物调色板使用了本地和观赏植物的混合, including a variety of edible plants. 该设计是根据其地形的“光线和土地条件”量身定制的, Gregory Lombardi设计公司的校长Troy Sober解释道, ,并融合了该物业已经蓬勃发展的自然和本土品质." 

Party barn and guest house...

由BPC Architecture设计的定制科德角宾馆和派对谷仓

Architecture: BPC Architecture; photo by Erin Engen.

虽然是一座新建筑,但奥斯特维尔的这所客房和派对谷仓,由 BPC Architecture“有一种历史感,”BPC建筑师Joe Paul解释说,并且具有压倒一切的真实性. From the outside, says Paul, the brick-red building, topped by a cupola, reads clearly as a barn, 很容易让人相信这是一个先前存在的结构,经过修复和重新想象,形成了一个非凡的新环境. 然而,从内部看,这个空间赋予了一种粗犷的魅力. The resident served as the interior designer, 她熟练地将古董、发现和回收的元素与克制的奢侈品并列. 在桁架上使用了来自宾夕法尼亚州前谷仓的定制磨古董梁(通过弯曲支架软化), while reclaimed painted boards grace the ceiling, 在同样的温暖和朴实的调色板的石头壁炉. Antique oak was used for the flooring, 还有一扇可回收的谷仓门,在不使用时可以滑动,将咖啡吧台和葡萄酒吧台隐藏起来.

Dramatic chandeliers and lighting fixtures, 一间闪闪发光的厨房和一扇面向港口的定制多扇门,给人一种奢华和节日的感觉. The setting truly shines when it’s being enjoyed. 保罗说:“房主们真的在用这所房子,看到里面住满了人,是一种快乐.”

Intimate family room and hearth…

Brookes + Hill定制建筑商的高端过渡家庭房

Builder: Brookes + Hill Custom Builders; architecture: D. Michael Collins Architects; interior design: Beauchemin Grassi Interiors; photo by Michael J. Lee Photography.

这个花岗岩壁炉温暖了莱克星顿家中由定制建筑商制作的过渡客厅/家庭房 Brookes + Hill Custom Builders位于街道上方,俯瞰着岩石悬崖. 它的存在与空间的苔藓绿色形成了对比, clean-lined cabinetry, 锚定环境,带来一种宁静的永恒感. 

Timber frame master bedroom and bath...

由建筑设计师Worth and Wing设计的浴室和卧室过渡室内设计

Design: Worth & Wing; photo: David Welch Photography

这套温馨的主浴室和卧室组合就是代表 Worth & Wing’s greater aesthetic; 99 percent of the residential and interior design firm’s projects weave in an element that pays homage to the past. 结合建筑打捞件不仅成为焦点, explains Principal Kristen Ellsworth-Wing, it also “reflects the bridge of the old and new.” 

Such features bring character to new constructions, which “often are missing that warmth,” she continues. Not here. In the above timber frame project, 客户希望营造“舒适的绅士农场氛围”,” explains Co-Owner William Wing. The team answered by bringing in mismatched, multi-textured bedding, 使用一个精美的裂纹漆的锡壁炉架和木质床柱,发挥了空间的体积.

The master bath, just off the bedroom, also capitalizes on the height of the architecture, 它的特色是一个干净的白色爪足浴缸,天花板上悬挂着一扇含铅玻璃窗,将厕所和浴缸隔开. Says William, “克里斯汀做的很多细节设计都来自玛莎葡萄园岛上的老别墅, making that bridge between the past and the present.”

Hardy granite outdoor bar…

由Pellettieri Associates, Inc .设计的苏纳皮湖住宅景观建设与设计.

Landscape Builder/designer: Pellettieri Associates, Inc.

Granite State landscape design/build company Pellettieri Associates, Inc. takes its cues from nature, 这个带有嵌入式烤架的巨石酒吧似乎是从苏纳皮湖周围的岩架上冒出来的. 正如这个坚固而令人惊叹的硬景观所示,Pellettieri Associates, Inc .. 在采购其持久、可持续的项目时,严重依赖于本地花岗岩. 

Top image: BPC Architecture; photo by Erin Engen.

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